Check in each week to get updates on our John Deere Field Connect weather station as we collect and analyze data. We will post updates on weather events, discus water levels in the soil profile, and demonstrate how to interpret the different graphs from the Field Connect website and cell phone app.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Navigating the Field Connect Website

When you log in to our Tractor Central Demo page, you will be first taken to the field monitor page.  This will show all of the Field Connects in your profile and give you a glance at the water levels in each of them.

 You can also take a look at any of the environmental sensors that are installed on that gateway.  Our demo Field Connect is outfitted with a rain gauge, soil temperature probe, pyranometer, and a weather station.  You view this information by clicking on the weather icon.
The most recent readings are displayed for most sensors.  The rainfall displayed is over the last 24 hours.  With the weather sensor attached we can also view the calculated values of  previous days evapotranspiration, cumulative GDD, and cumulative chill hours.
When you click on the water level bar or the graph icon you will be taken to graph page.
Here we see the "sum" graph.  This graph will show the total water measured by all five sensors and our budget lines.  We will discuss budget lines in a later post.  
There are different types of graphs available to view.  By clicking on the graph settings button, we can switch to line and stacked graphs.
This graph shows each sensor individually.  With this graph we are able to see how far each rain or irrigation event soaks into the ground as well as where the roots are pulling water from.  We will also discuss interpreting these graphs later as we get more data, but currently you can see that the 4" and 8" sensor are reading significantly lower than the others indicating an air pocket around the probe that needs to be fixed.
Weather information can also be viewed on these graphs by clicking on Agronomic Data button and selecting which information you want to view.  Feel free to log in to our demo site and look around at all of the field monitoring information available to you from anywhere you have an internet connection.  
Username: tractorcentraldemo
Password: tractor1

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