Check in each week to get updates on our John Deere Field Connect weather station as we collect and analyze data. We will post updates on weather events, discus water levels in the soil profile, and demonstrate how to interpret the different graphs from the Field Connect website and cell phone app.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Tractor Central's demo site

John Deere Field Connect uses five sensors in the one meter probe to measure moisture at 4, 8, 12, 20, and 40 inch depths.  The Field Connect probe uses electronic sensors to measure the conductivity of the soil around it which correlates to soil moisture.
Disassembled probe showing the five sensors
There are also 1.5 and 0.5 meter probes for deep and shallow rooted crops, but the 1 meter probe is best suited to the primary crops of corn and soybeans in our area.
Three available lengths
Our Field Connect that we have set up for you to view has the one meter probe, a rain gauge, pyranometer which measures solar radiation, a thermocouple that measures soil temp at a depth of two inches, and a weather station that collects air temp, wind speed, wind direction, and humidity.  With these measurements, the Field Connect website calculates your evapotranspiration for that area which is key information in making irrigation decisions.

Tractor Central's Field Connect demo site

You can log in to view our demo Field Connect at 
username: tractorcentraldemo
password: tractor1

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Logging in...

Tractor Central has a John Deere Field Connect installed with various environmental sensors for you to view and learn how a Field Connect system can help you on your farm.  We have a demo account set up that you are able to log in to and view the data.  To log in, follow the link below.

Field Connect
Click here to log into the Tractor Central Field Connect

User Name: tractorcentraldemo
Password: tractor1